Well there hasn't been much change of late with sightings on the reserve. Goosander, Snipe and Goldeneye are still showing well and Siskin, Redwings and Fieldfares are also being seen. There were still Common Darter dragonflies still being spotted on Wednesday.
We had a possible sighting of a Goshawk on Sunday, unfortunately, no photo. One for you to keep your eyes open for and if you get a photo, we would love to see it.
There seems to be a Stoat living in a hole in front of the visitor centre and spent most of today (Friday) catching and bringing back Shrews to his hole. Again, no photos, but we might try and get the trail cam set up to see if we can get some good pictures of it.
One new sighting this week however, was that of a Grey Wagtail by Sarah Steggall and what's more Sarah sent us the photo of said Wagtail, thanks Sarah.
Grey Wagtail © Sarah Steggall |
The Sparrowhawk has also been making regular visits to the feeder area outside the centre, looking for an unsuspecting Blue tit or similar. David Ward sent us this photo of it flying around the reserve.
Sparrowhawk © David Ward |
David also shared his pictures of our most favourite visitor to the reserve, the Kingfisher.
Kingfisher with fish © David Ward |
Diving Kingfisher © David Ward |
People have also been sharing their photos with us on Twitter (@SWTLackfordLake) as well. Here's one from Nick Ford
Kingfisher by Nick Ford |
If you would like to share your photos with us on the blog, we would welcome them. Just send them to us in an email lackford.centre@suffolkwildlifetrust.org
Tonight we had around 800 starlings fly in and roost on site. This is a huge increase to the 100 or so last week and we can hope that it will only increase and that the murmurations just get bigger, such a fantastic sight.
Winter Dusk Walk
There are still places available on our Winter Dusk Walk with Site Manager Will Cranstoun. This will be a very informative walk looking at our winter wildfowl including the spectacular Gull roost and is good for all ages. Whats more, it's only £3 per person, but you will need to book beforehand to secure your place. You can do this by either calling the centre on 01284 728706 or by email lackford.education@suffolkwildlifetrust.org Don't miss out!
Christmas Cards
Have you bought your Christmas cards to send to friends yet? If not, why not come down to us and buy your cards here from our lovely Christmas collection.
Our lovely Christmas cards from £2.75 a pack |
You can enjoy a cup of tea and a piece of cake and look for Kingfishers whilst you decide what cards to buy. But be quick, they're going fast!
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