Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Otter at the centre!

The otter still continues to show at Lackford and even came to the visitor centre for 20 minutes on Wednesday, much to the delight of all the visitors in the centre, although the ducks in the pond were not too happy about such a visit.

Otter at Visitor Centre pond photographed by Stephanie Holland.
The otter was thought to be a young male/female and by the amount of energy it was using by swimming rather fast around the lake creating large bow waves without breaking the surface, it most definitely had the energy to be a young one. Needless to say, everyone who visits the centre, eagerly peers out of the windows in the hope it has paid a return visit. 

Kingfishers still continue to be seen from most of the hides around the reserve with most sightings at the visitor centre, the double-decker, Bill's and Bess' hides. Snipe are also becoming a common spot, especially at Bernard's hide. Wigeon and teal can also be seen increasing in numbers and little egrets are having a good time fishing by standing on the weed in the middle of the sailing lake. The hobby's haven't been seen for a while now and are most likely on their way back to warmer climes. Latest arrivals to Lackford are redwings with several flocks totalling around 100 birds seen in the past week overhead. reports of fieldfare in the surrounding countryside will hopefully mean that these will also be seen here soon.

Other birds we await the arrival of are gooseanders, goldeneye, pintail and bittern of course. Who will be the first to spot the arrival of these beautiful birds?

Something else that's been spotted of late in the evening flying over Lackford are small groups of starlings. Last year, we had around 17,000 starlings murmurating above Lackford and two years before that, the numbers were nearer 30,000. So with fingers crossed, we're hoping that they will return again this year and hopefully, in large numbers too. Watch this space and we will keep you posted. 

An unusual sighting of the lucky kind!

We get many visitors to Lackford Lakes and from time to time, people report to us unusual sightings of things they have spotted on the reserve. Well a young David Ashford returned to the centre with a beaming smile after he found this rarity, a 4-leaf clover!

David Ashford with his 4-leaf clover.

On the subject of unusual things, we now have Earth stars appearing in Ash Carr, the wooded section of the reserve. What are Earth stars? I hear you ask. They are a form of fungi that look like a star. Here's a photo of the ones on the reserve at the moment.

One open Earth star with two more waiting to open (bottom right).

Closer view of the Earth star.
Now is a good time to get down to Lackford if you want to see these beautiful fungi as they won't last long. Be sure to pop into the visitor centre on your arrival and a member of the visitor team will direct you to the right location.

When you park up in the car park, have a look at the weave fencing surrounding the car park. If you look closely, you might see a fascinating insect known as an ichnuemon wasp. These are long (about 6cm), black and thin with orange legs and a long ovipositor.

A female ichnuemon seeks out her prey.
These are likely to be Dolichomitus sp and they are on the hunt for wood boring beetle larvae that have infested the wood. They use their long ovipositor, which is not a stinger, to drill into the wood down to where the larvae are munching away and lay an egg. The egg later hatches and devours the beetle larvae.

Ovipositor in action being drilled into the wood.
Other insects still being spotted around the reserve are the hornets and wasp nests, which are still doing well. Peacock, brimstone, small copper and brown argus can still be spotted on the sunnier days around the reserve.

On the subject of butterflies, listen to visitor officer Hawk Honey talking about overwintering butterflies on BBC Radio Suffolk with Lesley Dolphin at 2:10pm, 6th November.

Christmas cards

Yes, it's that time again and we now have a full stock of wonderful Christmas cards on display at Lackford.

Xmas is on its way!
We also have lots of new stock that would make ideal presents, so why not pop in and have a look around.


As many of you may remember, last year saw a starling murmuration over Lackford with numbers around 17,000 birds. They haven't started murmurating here yet, but reports say that the birds are beginning to be sen in large flocks in the surrounding area at Lackford. So hopefully, it won't be long. Keep those fingers crossed.